Want to find out more about Relentlessly Purple? Firstly, welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to read my content.
About Relentlessly Purple
I’m Ember, aka Relentlessly Purple or @LentlesslyPurpl on Twitter. I set up Relentlessly Purple in 2015 having already had a blog previously. I have always loved to read and write and found I enjoyed reviewing products on my previous blog. After having my youngest daughter my scoliosis and peripheral neuropathy made things really difficult, I struggled to get out and had no idea how to adjust to life with Chronic Pain. My Anxiey and depression worsened and I didn’t even realise I was suffering from PTSD. I needed something to focus on so Relentlessly Purple was born.

About The Family
The Mr & I have two daughters, Eva (8) & Izzy (4) and live in Essex, UK. We all contribute to the blog in someway although it is my baby! The girls love to share their latest reads, toys or activities. The Mr occasionally finds a good few Craft beers or Tech items he feels are worth sharing too. The majority of the content comes from myself and covers a wide variety of topics from parenting, day to day life, mental health, chronic pain, crafting, crochet & more. We are always looking for new and exciting brands to work with and really enjoy spreading the word when we find a brand or product we love!
Work With Us
We are PR friendly and we love testing a wide range of products and working on fun, creative campaigns. Throughout 2019 we are looking to move to more ecofriendly products, discover subscriptions for all of the family and will be redecorating throughout the year so if you think you have a product that would be a great fit then please do Get In Touch.
If you enjoy my ramblings or find my posts helpful feel free to follow, share, or leave a comment and drop me a link to check out your blog too! 🙂
Thanks for popping by!