Purple crochet/knitting project hunt

I am absolutely over the moon! Some of you may have seen on my Instagram yesterday a friend gave me 2 carrier bags full of wool, knitting looms and needles. It really made my day as I was very low on wool and hadn’t done much crochet or knitting lately!!

I’ve been struggling again since the steroid injections began wearing off and clearing through the flat over the weekend has left me hurting even more so lots of new wool to play with is a much needed distraction. I love how many purples there are and have already begun a little crochet project for Eva with the neon multi-coloured wool but I’m on the hunt for a project I can use the purple’s on for myself!


I know a few of my readers crochet and knit and would love some suggestions if anyone has any?

The Secret Diary of Agent Spitback


    Yummy purples. Forget the crafting, just stare at the yarn because it's gorgeous!

    Sewing Beside the Sea | 9 years ago Reply

    Ohh soo pretty. I am fairly new to knitting so no suggestions sorry. There are loads of free patterns on pinterest you could look at? I would love someone to come give me loads of wool!Happy knitting xx

    wendy | 9 years ago Reply

      I forgot about pinterest until the other day and I have been pinning non-stop since 😂 I just need to actually decide on what to make next but its so tough now I have so many wool options haha! Thanks for popping by xx

      relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago Reply

    The purple is absolutely gorgeous! I don't crochet but I would go for a beanie! Have fun and I look forward to what you will be creating. Thanks for sharing with #PasstheSauce

    agentspitback | 9 years ago Reply

    Ooh I'm afraid I don't have enough knitting experience to suggest a project, but love how much wool you have!! I've JUST made my first knitted cardigan for baby Pickle and am looking for another knitting challenge to tackle although I think making tiny things is easier for me at the moment - not sure I'd have enough patience to make someone my own size!

    Little Pickle's Mom | 9 years ago Reply

      Ooh im a little scared to attempt a cardigan but may give it a go for the baby doll!

      relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago Reply

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