Stocking Filler Ideas For Girls 2017

Stocking fillers ideas.. a little stuck this Christmas? I’ve been sent some great stocking filler ideas and discovered a few myself too. If you are a little bit stuck for then this list may help! I’ve put together several Christmas gift guides including for 3 years, 7 years, Under £5 & for her which may be helpful too.

Stocking Filler Ideas

I love including a small teddy in Christmas stocking, my girls love the Hallmark itty bittys range which fit perfectly! Hallmark have released new collector editions this Christmas which are lovely!

Itty bitty collectors edition

I am in love with the new Hallmark Minnie and Mickey Mouse Collectors Edition itty bittys and know the girls will love them too! These are £7.94 each on Amazon at the moment.

I spotted this fab Pink Unicorn- Belinda Mini Motsu in Tesco on a 3 for 2 offer. I’m pretty certain it was £4 but can’t find it on their site to confirm. Having searched online I have found it here at Boswell & Co. for £4.99 though!

Unicorn Mini Motsu

As part of the Tesco 3 for 2 offer I picked up these Petkins 2 packs (£2.50) as the girls are still Shopkins crazy! Any addition to their Shopkins collection is always welcome.


stocking filler ideas - Petkins


Pets are something the girls would love to have again but it is just unfair 11 floors up but I found a solution! I loved Tamagotchi’s as a kid and found these ones in QD for £2.99 and just couldn’t resist. There are various designs but I chose pink for the girls as it is their favourite colours generally.

Cyber pet

Of course every stocking needs to contain at least one pair of socks! Sports direct have some great character ones available like this 3 pack of Frozen ones I found for just £1.50!

What do you think of these stocking filler ideas? Which is your favourite?