10 Ways To Reduce Stress #StressAwarenessDay

I’m sharing 10 ways to reduce stress as it’s #StressAwarenessDay. Many of us feel stressed out but Chronic stress can really affect your health. In a demanding world, we need to find ways to help reduce the stress in our lives.

10 Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive & reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart attack or stroke and speeds up the ageing process. Stress can also rewire the brain leaving you vulnerable to Anxiety, Depression and other mental health issues.

10 Ways To Reduce Stress

1. Crafting

I find crafting really helps me calm down and live in the moment. Crocheting is my favourite craft to get lost in. Finding a craft you enjoy not only relaxes you but it gives you a sense of achievement too which we often lack. 

2. Music

Listening to your favourite songs is an instant mood booster! I had forgotten just how much of an effect music has until recently. Now I’m listening to something most of the time and I feel much happier and calmer, even though I’m ill and exhausted!

3. Have a bath

In a busy world, it can be tempting to jump into the shower quickly. Taking time to run a nice, warm, bubble bath for yourself and soaking for 10 minutes not only relaxes your muscles but your mind too. Why not light some candles or play your favourite music?

4. Read a book

A lot can be said for getting lost in a book. After a busy summer holiday, I began to enjoy books again. Taking time out to get lost in another world really helps calm your mind. 

5. Talk

Often we get so stressed out with so many thoughts we can get easily confused. Talking things over not only helps you feel heard but it can also help you figure out how to tackle the situation better.

6. Rest

Resting can really help you think more rationally and feel less stressed. That’s not always easy to do but there are several ways to help you fall asleep from hot soothing drinks, white noise, herbal medications and more.

7. Say no

It can be all too easy to say yes and help everyone else out. The problem is we often end up overloaded, but it’s ok to say no! I’m learning this myself and have to admit it is better to say no than to say yes and feel like a letdown. 

8. Treat yourself

Buy yourself something every once in a while, whether it’s your favourite chocolate, new shoes, or even that hot chocolate you (I) always put off! It doesn’t have to break the bank but it will make you feel happier.

9. Eat well

A balanced diet will help you feel more energetic. It’s easy to fall into bad habits but food can really affect our mood. Ensuring you have adequate amounts of nutrients can also help you avoid diet-related diseases.

10. Stop putting yourself down

Often our stress is triggered by our own heads telling us we aren’t doing or being enough. We need to be mindful of our inner voices, ask yourself, would you say that to a friend? Look for the positives and praise all those little ‘wins’ even if that is simply making it out of bed that day.

Getting Help

If talking to friends and family isn’t helping and you feel you need further help, you can contact your GP who can advise you further. CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) or counselling may be offered. There are also several charities you can contact – 

Mind – 
0300 123 3393
Text: 86463

Call Samaritans free on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

Find Psychological therapies locally (England) on the NHS site here.

Do you use any of these to reduce stress?