Mother’s Day Crafts For Toddlers – Card And Flowers

We’ve been making Mother’s Day Crafts that are easy enough for toddlers to do with a little bit of help. A card and flowers tend to be traditional Mother’s Day gifts, so why not let your toddler make them! Older children may enjoy these simple crafts too.

Mother's Day Crafts For Toddlers


Flower Colouring Craft

Mother's Day Flower Colouring Craft Printable

Mrs Mactivity has some fab Mother’s Day crafts such as this gorgeous Mother’s day flowering colouring craft. These printable flowers are hand drawn ready for you to simply colour, cut and give to mum this Mother’s Day! With 3 different designs and two different sizes, small & large, this fab colouring craft is quick and simple enough for toddlers to make.


Colouring Flower Craft

Older children will enjoy taking care colouring the individual flowers or the large flower colouring craft. I trimmed ours a little bit more at the end so the flowers stood out a little more too. If you liked this you may like the pots of flowers Izzy made last year for Easter too!

Mother's Day Flower Colouring Craft


Mother’s Day Card

Mother’s Day Cards are always fun to make with so many fab ideas out there. Raiding our craft box, we decided to make a lovely flower card to go with the paper flowers. Flowers are definitely the theme here this Mother’s Day! All of these items can be bought at any craft store or pound shops.

You Will Need:


To make our card we took a sheet of card, a foam flower, smiley sticker (to brighten up the flower) and a green lollypop stick for the flower’s stem.We simply took our sheet of card and folded it in half, then we glued the lolly stick down first in the centre of the page lining it up with the bottom of the card.

Step 1

The girls thought the darker green lollypop stick would look better than the light green. Next, we added the foam flower, making sure to overlap the lolly pop stick ‘stem’. We used a large foam flower but you could use smaller ones and add several to your card.

Step 2

To finish our flower we added our smiley face sticker to the centre of the flower to look like happy pollen. You could use anything though, a heart centre would look lovely too!

Step 3


Finally, we wrote ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ written at the top in a gold sharpie. This craft only took a few minutes, making it one of the quicker mother’s day crafts for toddlers. Along with the gorgeous flower colouring craft from Mrs Mactivity, your toddler is all set for Mother’s Day this year!

Mother's Day Crafts For Toddlers

What do you think of our Mother’s Day crafts for toddlers?

DIY Daddy

Indoor Strawberry Seeds In A Can

These Indoor strawberry seeds in a can from Wilko are great for just £1! We like to make sure the girls still get to enjoy growing plants even without a garden. They regularly change the plants on their windowsill throughout the year and as it is empty again the Mr picked up the indoor strawberry seeds in a can. Having enjoyed growing peppers last year for their salad, something tasty was needed.

Indoor Strawberry Seeds In A Can

Indoor Strawberry Seeds

These are so simple even Izzy can plant the indoor strawberry seeds all by herself which she thoroughly enjoyed. You simply remove the plastic cap on the bottom of the can, remove the packet of seeds and open the bottom ring pull. This bottom ring pull opens the drainage system, you then put the cap back on the bottom of the can.

Opening the can

Turning the can back the other way, pull the top ring pull and pour in 100ml of water. Izzy found the ring pulls quite easy to open and loved pouring the water in, she loves water! It was nice not having to step in and see her being independent too.

Add the seeds, making sure to push them down into the soil in the can and place out of direct sunlight in a warm area between 18-20°c. We popped ours on the bookshelf to start off with as it is away from direct sunlight and fairly warm.

Planting Seeds

Izzy really loved this quick and simple planting activity. She can’t wait to watch her indoor strawberry seeds grow into a delicious strawberry plant. Eva loved growing strawberries when we had a garden and was always the first one out the door each morning to pick the ripe ones! It will be interesting to see what Izzy thinks and the taste difference too!

What have you grown lately? Have you seen these indoor seeds in a can in Wilko before?