We’ve made an awesome Kitty in Boots Snow Globe using the Ladybird Activity site!
We had fun making a Kitty In boots Snow globe It’s quite simple to do and doesn’t take long at all! We made sure we had everything needed on the list to make our snow globe and printed out the activity sheet so we could cut out Kitty in Boots to put inside our snow globe.
Although we didn’t have any jam jars so we cheated and bought these Kilner Jars for £1 each. I bought 2 as Izzy wanted to make a snow globe too (then wandered off halfway through – toddler life). We also bought some water-resistant glue, Glycerine and had plenty of glitter at home.
Eva cut out and stuck Kitty in boots to the card to make Kitty In boots strong enough to stand up in the globe and used book covering to waterproof him as we don’t have a laminator.
We glued him down on the lid and Eva held it down to dry whilst I filled the jar with water & poured in 2 spoons of glycerine and let Eva add the glitter.
Once we had filled up the jar we used plenty of super glue around the edge of the jar and lid. Eva screwed the lid as tight as she could and we left it to dry then tested it out! Eva was so impressed she had made her first snow globe. She started coming up with plenty more idea’s we could try too.

Eva though this activity was really fun especially as it involved glitter! We had to take a selfie with her globe too..
Have you tried any of the Ladybird Activities yet? Will you try one too? We really enjoyed this activity, it only took around 20 minutes to complete. We will definitely be trying some more out.