I figured my readers deserved an update on my brother since a lot of them read about my worries last week when my brother ended up in A&E with a lung infection and suspected Lupus last Saturday.
Checking In
Once he was home I carried on worrying about him and checking up on him regularly. I told him off for walking to town and ordered him to wear extra layers when he had no choice but to go (WE NEED A CAR!) for electric. Luckily by the 3rd day of antibiotics he was beginning so breathe easier and walk a little further but still felt very drained.
I went to see him and check he was really Ok on Friday and was so pleased to see he was looking and sounding a bit healthier! I dragged him out for some lunch before we went on our mission.
Registering With A GP
We have been trying to register him at a GP for well over a year but each one wants his previous GP address which he honestly can’t remember. His social worker gave him the wrong address in the Summer when she signed him off so we were a little stuck. With a whole heap of other stuff going on it was something we kept forgetting to chase up again.
Having been told in A&E they suspected Alex has Lupus and he urgently needed to get a referral to a Dermatologist it was the kick up the arse we both needed to finally get it done. Alex mentioned in A&E he has been struggling to get registered with a GP so they gave him his NHS number.. at last!
So on Friday our main mission was to get him registered and we FINALLY managed it! It’s literally just across the road from him and open later than most which is perfect for him. We both walled out of that surgery high-fiving each other and cheering! At last mission successful!!
He has to call back Wednesday to ensure he’s added to the system properly. After that he will be booked in for a new patient check. Then he can book an appointment with a GP and get a referral to dermatology. It will take a few weeks but he’s literally been without a GP for years now so a few weeks aren’t too sad!
Catching Up
When we got back to Alex’s I showed him my previous post, I admitted he’s mentioned a fair bit on my blog but nothing too personal which he didn’t mind at all and the photo’s of us he absolutely loved! Especially when I explained why I chose the ones I did. He decided we needed to start taking more of us together, another little tradition to add to the list, so I thought I’d share them with you all!
Check out that smile! (How similar do we look too!? haha!)
We chatted as we usually do about our past, the present and the future. It was lovely to see he is finally feeling positive and making plans. He’s come such a long way over the last year! A lot has gone on that I haven’t mentioned because I believe that’s his personal business but I am so proud of him!
An Update
He is coping so much better, he realises now he is far from dumb although he struggles with things. He realises now it’s due to not being taught the basics. Things like how to clean, how to cash a cheque etc. have always been stressful for him. He asks for help when he needs it instead of just getting frustrated with himself now. It’s lovely to see!
The last week he’s felt very depressed but he’s dealt with it well, popping to his neighbours for a chat & inviting a few friends round. Normally he would shut himself away and end up feeling a lot worse. I’m so proud to hear he had realised he felt low and did something about it before it got worse.
Sleep Issues
Alex has always struggled with sleep and fell out of routine over the last few weeks. I gave him the Philips Alarm I was sent for #BlueMonday from PowWowNow to help him keep it up. As I explained to Alex, I have children who make sure I’m awake each day no matter how I feel. I’m sure the Alarm will benefit him much more than me! (Thank you PowWowNow)
Alex suggested writing a review of the Alarm for me which I think is a brilliant idea. It would be great for other’s to see how he gets on and what a difference it makes. Maybe it will help someone else out too! So keep an eye out for his guest post at some point over the next month or so. Since his stay in hospital he’s waking up early and has been waking before the alarm starts. So hasn’t had a chance to test it out yet. Typical 😉 haha!
All in all Alex is doing much better, his lung infection seems to have cleared up well. Thank you for all the support I’ve had from my readers. It’s been lovely to get comments checking how he’s doing and suggestions to help him.