Last year we had quite a few problem’s with Eva’s school and to be honest it made me quite nervous about her going back as last year got so stressful & we strongly considered moving her to a different school but we decided to ride it out and see how things went.
I’m pleased to say I don’t think we will be having anywhere near as many issues this year. Her new teacher seems great, she seems to be friendly and rather jolly yet at the same time strict enough to not let Eva get away with too much silliness.
Eva has been changing her reading books regularly so she is happy she’s earning her reading air miles as she loves reading and her confidence is growing with each book which is so lovely to see as last year seemed to really make her feel like she wasn’t good at anything as none of her achievements were being mark down. She came home several times upset as she had been told to just get on with her work when she needed help so she started just giving up.
Whilst I think she’s doing amazingly learning at her own pace, she feels she has to have these marks & awards like everyone else, so I try to support her in that as much as I can whilst also pointing out she’s always learning and doing well regardless of marks. However now she is earning her air miles & getting stickers and a lot more praise she seems a lot happier and I am pleased for her.
We sat with her Math & English homework books on Saturday and she flew through them with confidence whilst still making sure her letters and number were written the right way and neatly, it was amazing to see the change, she finished 5 sheets of work in 10 minutes! 10 MINUTES it takes her 15 to put on her shoes!!! I’m really pleased she’s enjoying it again as I love getting involved in her learning and helping her find a way to work out the answers.
It’s been such a postive start to the school year for Eva and I really hope it continues as she seems a lot happier in herself and is coming home happy again instead of moody or in tears.
How did your kid/s get on for their first week back at school? Have their been any improvements/issues compared to last year?
Glad she is doing well at school. I work with two special needs teenagers. They love school. One of them has had a few issues with refusing to work and not following instructions but these seem to have been resolved x
Gemma | 8 years ago
We do think she may be somewhere on the autistic spectrum to be honest, it's something we are looking at bringing up with her GP if we can ever get an appointment. She struggles with instructions and staying focused and gets very emotional and displays very similar behaviours to my brother who has Aspergers. With constant teacher changes last year it was a tough ride for her but I think with more support she will cope much better x
relentlesslypurple | 8 years ago
She is doing so well considering she might be autistic. I hope you manage to get her a GP appointment soon! From what you've said it sounds like she could be autistic x
Gemma | 8 years ago
Thank you for saying that, I do doubt myself as a few friends who only see her for an hour or so at a time think we are seeing things that aren't there. Knowing my brother has aspergers they think we are looking for a problem so it makes it difficult to decide wether or not to investigate it further, I guess a GP appointment is the only way to go! Xx
relentlesslypurple | 8 years ago
That is great! Life can be miserable when they aren't happy at school, it's tough on them and you. I'm glad she is doing so well and is happy with school now!
Charlie | 8 years ago