Feeling good

This week has been absolutely crazy but I’m feeling good. We finally saved enough Amazon credit from Surveys to order the girls beds for Christmas after working hard on surveys the last few months between us. It turns out we ordered just in time as we managed to get the last one before the bed was discontinued! HUGE sigh of relief as it’s something I had been panicking over constantly. In fact I’ve been panicking so much the Mr waited to tell me until he had confirmation from the seller of the date and time of delivery and that they definately had one in stock for us before telling me it was being discontinued and we had the last one!

We have really struggled financially over the last few years and christmas is always a last minute rush & extremely stressful. Luckily our money has been back in place a few weeks so we’ve slowly managed to clear the bills that were building up and this week we have had a little bit of spare money to get the girls some presents. This is the earliest we’ve ever done our christmas shopping so it feels like a great achievment and a huge weight off of our shoulders.

I had already bought a few presents for Eva over the last few months but we also managed to get a good few items from their ‘I want’s’ Christmas wish list’s (Thanks tiny pop & youtube!) today and plan to get a few more bits as we can over the last few weeks leading up to christmas! I still need to finish off their christmas eve sacks with PJ’s, slippers, and a christmas story. (Feel free to offer any recommendations). I also need to buy Eva a shopkins playset from Izzy as I managed to a get peppa pig playset in morrisons today from Eva to Izzy.

I ache like crazy, Ive had several meltdowns across the week BUT  sitting and wrapping the girls presents and watching the pile grow knowing how excited they will be and the joy as they discover what lies beneath the paper christmas morning make it worth it. I can’t wait until christmas day & knowing that in the last week leading up to christmas I can sit back and relax playing with my girls, getting them excited with christmas crafts, songs & films without rushing around panicking last minute is the reason im sitting here with a smile on my face.







    I love having everything ready for christmas early, so like you I can put my feet up and enjoy the weeks before christmas without any stress or rush. Thanks for sharing with us, Tracey xx #Happydiaries

    The Anxious Dragon | 9 years ago Reply

      I have to say I am feeling amazingly organized this year! As much as the shopping is still stressful for me it hasn't been anywhere near as bad as our usual last minute shop :D xx

      relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago Reply

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