Men’s Christmas Gift Guide 2018 And £25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

I’ve put together a Men’s Christmas gift guide for 2018, collaborating with some fantastic brands to find unique gifts for men. I’ve also decided to treat one lucky winner to a £25 Amazon gift card too so make sure to enter below!

The Summerton Club

The Summerton Club Spirit Subscription service.

Do you have a man in your life who loves a full drinks cabinet? A Craft spirits members club, The Summerton Club brings you a unique subscription service. A great gift idea for spirit lovers at £50 per delivery with free delivery. The Summerton Club brings you exclusive first tastes of high-quality spirits. They offer a range of options from monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly subscriptions. You can also opt to only receive Whiskies.

Mens christmas Gifts - Mackmyra Gruvgold Swedish Sible Malt Whisky

I was sent their October Bottle of the Month, Mackmyra Gruvgold Swedish Single Malt Whisky. A well-aged spirit currently unavailable in the UK! Gruvgold meaning ‘Gold from the Mine’. A wonderfully smooth Swedish Single Malt Whisky aged in a variety of small casks. Casks used include Olorosso, Bourbon, Sherry and Swedish oak, 50m below ground in the Bodas Mine. 

Greater Skies Personalised Star Map Print

Want a truly unique gift? A Greater Skies Personalised Star map Print is a Star map of the sky above a certain location on a specific day! Perfect for friends, family or your partner. I had this Mulberry Personalised star map Print framed for a friend. You can pick from 5 different colours on this specific map.

It shows the Star map for his birthday, you could choose any special date to fit. You can add a title and up to five lines of text to your personalise star map. You can choose to instantly download and print a star map for yourself or you can have it printed for you for an extra cost. Costs vary depending on size, style and if you would like your print framed. 

Framed Starmap

Genuine Leather Beer Holster

Beer Holster

A genuine leather beer holster is perfect for keeping hands free. A water-resistant gift for any beer lover. This fab holster fits on any belt up to 4cm wide. 

Magnetic Beer Tree

This fun Magnetic Beer Tree is great for Men who love funky bottle tops! Holding up to 60 bottle tops at one time, you can now safely store favourites. This could be used for anything metal so if you know a guy who loves to collect anything like this it will make a great gift too.

£25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

As promised, one lucky winner will win a £25 Amazon gift card, so get entering the Rafflecoptor below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


    The Summerton Club subscription service sounds great!

    Tracy Nixon | 6 years ago Reply

    Greater skies personalised star map x

    Amy Simpson | 6 years ago Reply

    the malt whisky

    Fiona Timms | 6 years ago Reply

    The single malt whisky, I think my dad would love that! Great gift ideas x Karen Langridge recently posted...Have a Happy Christmas with buyagiftMy Profile

    Karen Langridge | 6 years ago Reply

    I like the magnetic beer tree! Saves my cat from stealing the bottle caps and hiding them under my fridge 🙈

    kelly wheelhouse | 6 years ago Reply

    Love the star map.

    bev | 6 years ago Reply

    Love love love the GREATER SKIES PERSONALISED STAR MAP PRINT. A wonderful keepsake and a brilliant idea for someone who already has everything.

    Susan B | 6 years ago Reply

    Greater skies personalised star map thankyou

    clair downham | 6 years ago Reply

    I like the magnetic beer tree, which I'd give to my son so he could use it to hold various small metal music-related items that he is constantly hunting for

    Fiona jk42 | 6 years ago Reply

    The magnetic. beer tree sounds fun!

    Angie McDonald | 6 years ago Reply

    The beer tree, very creative.

    Calvin | 6 years ago Reply

    I like The Summerton Club, I much prefer having a full drinks cabinet although that never happens!

    Fay | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the Greater Skies Personalised Star Map Print.

    Solange | 6 years ago Reply

    love the star map, fascinating for the whole family to learn about the stars and constellations!

    Ruth Harwood | 6 years ago Reply

    The Summerton Club

    Bruce | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the personalised star map print, that is so cool x

    Sarah Blackwell-Hughes | 6 years ago Reply

    The malt whisky

    Sheena Batey | 6 years ago Reply

    The Summerton Club subscription looks great although a little on the expensive side to keep up to on a monthly basis.

    Fiona Paley | 6 years ago Reply

      There are several options so you don't have to receive a bottle each month :)

      RelentlesslyPurple | 6 years ago Reply

    I really like the star map.

    Emma Walton | 6 years ago Reply

    The Star Map Print is very striking and makes a special gift.

    jo liddement | 6 years ago Reply

    the magnetic beer tree is a great idea!

    Charlotte | 6 years ago Reply

    My Other Half would love the Summertowns Club! cheers and Merry Christmas

    Lorna Ledger | 6 years ago Reply

    The star map, a lovely idea.

    Judith Allen | 6 years ago Reply

    Definitely The Summerton Club!

    William Gould | 6 years ago Reply

    The single whisky !

    Carolyn E | 6 years ago Reply

    The single whisky ! Summerton Club

    Carolyn E | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the star map

    Michelle Smith | 6 years ago Reply

    Personalised star map. Great idea, one that Ill be looking at getting next year I think.

    Karen Usher | 6 years ago Reply

    The Summerton Club subscription service - it would be fabulous for my husband

    Margaret Clarkson | 6 years ago Reply

    I really like the Personalised Star map Print x Kim Carberry recently posted...This week my Word of the Week is: Ready! #WotWMy Profile

    Kim Carberry | 6 years ago Reply

    Love the personalised star map…men are so hard to buy for, but that’s a great idea!

    Elizabeth Gaskell | 6 years ago Reply

    I like the magnetic beer tree. I’ve never seen something quite like this.

    Tanya Deliyska | 6 years ago Reply

    i like the greater skies print

    janine atkin | 6 years ago Reply

    i like the personalised star map print

    gemma hendry | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the personalised star print! The night sky is fascinating and beautiful so I would be so happy to receive a print like that

    Charlene Merrall | 6 years ago Reply

    star map

    Emma chapman | 6 years ago Reply

    The Greater Skies Personalised Star map Print looks like a great idea

    Carole Nott | 6 years ago Reply

    I think The Summerton Club whisky would be very well received!

    Elizabeth Smith | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the beer tree. Sometimes the silly little gifts are the best ones!

    Angela Kelly | 6 years ago Reply

    Greater skies personalised star map

    john prendergast | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the Star Map!

    emma howard | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the personalised star map!

    Jo Glasspool | 6 years ago Reply

    the malt whiskey because i am a whiskey drinker - and, booze as a gift is usually safe, as if they dont like the gift, they can quite easily pass it on to someone else x

    betsy ferguson | 6 years ago Reply

    I like the personalised star map print.

    Christine Caple | 6 years ago Reply

    The Whisky would be perfect for my Brother In Law

    Sylvia Paul | 6 years ago Reply

    The Summerton subscription service is my favourite

    Margaret Gallagher | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the personalised star map! A very clever and lovely gift idea!

    Claire Davies | 6 years ago Reply

    Love the GREATER SKIES PERSONALISED STAR MAP PRINT what a fantastic idea

    Julie Howarth | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the personalised star map print, it would look great n my son’s bedroom.

    Gemma Middleton | 6 years ago Reply

    my husband loves his whisky and hes had flu for last few days that would sort him out!! (-:

    sandra driver | 6 years ago Reply

    The malt whisky and the star map

    paula cheadle | 6 years ago Reply

    Oh the beer tree I am a bloke so it ticks my boxes!

    Dean T | 6 years ago Reply

    The malt whisky

    Sarah Addey | 6 years ago Reply

    The Magnetic Beer Bottle tree for my partner who collects them .

    Hayley Atkins | 6 years ago Reply

    I absolutely love the Classic Star Map – what a brilliant idea for a very personal gift!

    Anthea Holloway | 6 years ago Reply

    i think the star map is a wonderful gift x

    Georgina Prince | 6 years ago Reply

    I like the whiskey. My family tend to stick to Scottish whiskey, so a Swedish one will be interesting.

    Vikki | 6 years ago Reply

    The beer holster is a great idea

    Amanda tanner | 6 years ago Reply

    the personalised star map is lovely

    maria | 6 years ago Reply

    the beer tree is so cool!

    Claire Woods | 6 years ago Reply

    I LOVE the magnetic beer tree, I mean it’s so quirky!!

    Louis | 6 years ago Reply

    the star map

    James Travis | 6 years ago Reply


    sheri Darby | 6 years ago Reply

    i would just be chuffed with any one of them

    Elizabeth | 6 years ago Reply

    the beer tree is great <3 not sure my other half would appriciate it... but he could drink the beer I could have the bottletops lol

    Laura Wheatley | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the star map! I would defiitely love that fframed on my wall, so pretty!

    Kellie Steed | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the greater skies personalised star map :) x

    Tiffeny Brown | 6 years ago Reply

    I like the star map print. It’s a lovely idea.

    Hazel Rea | 6 years ago Reply

    My husband would love the Star Map – he is really interested in astronomy :o)

    Nikki Hayes | 6 years ago Reply

    That star map is amazing. Defo be looking into them

    Rebecca Somerfield | 6 years ago Reply

    The personalised star map is my fave

    Thomas Perry | 6 years ago Reply

    The star map looks great

    Denise walton | 6 years ago Reply

    The whisky father in law would like that

    Sarah Morris | 6 years ago Reply

    The star map! 🙂

    Sophie Foulds | 6 years ago Reply

    The stars look beautiful, cool gift sites is good too

    Jeanette Leighton | 6 years ago Reply

    My OH would like The Summerton Club

    Kim Neville | 6 years ago Reply

    The Magnetic beer tree – I’d definitely be rivalling Damien Hirst for a fantastic work of art with that thing in my house! 😉

    Ian Campbell | 6 years ago Reply

    My dad would love the whisky.

    Ellen Stafford | 6 years ago Reply

    I like the beer tree! Thanks for the great prize and competition.

    Adrian Bold | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the Greater Skies Personalised Star map, I think it’s a lovely idea.

    Jayne Townson | 6 years ago Reply

    The star map looks great

    Erica Hughes recently posted...Blacks Outdoor WearMy Profile

    Erica Hughes | 6 years ago Reply

    The whiskey is my favourite!

    Lynn Neal | 6 years ago Reply

    The Whisky sounds nice x

    Laura Findlay | 6 years ago Reply

    I really love the Greater Skies Personalised Star Map Print

    Tee Simpson | 6 years ago Reply

    The fun magic tree

    Iris Tilley | 6 years ago Reply

    The genuine leather beer holster would make a fantastic gift

    Kelly Hirst | 6 years ago Reply

    I love the beer bottle top tree! a great talking point

    Anthony Harrington | 6 years ago Reply

    Personalised Star Map Print 😍

    Marion Payne recently posted...Using Less Plastic For 2019My Profile

    Marion Payne | 6 years ago Reply

    The malt whisky.

    Michelle Wild | 6 years ago Reply

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