My Sunday Photo – Vauxhall Cresta PA

This week this gorgeous Vauxhall Cresta PA had to be My Sunday Photo. They are photo’s the Mr has taken this week having finally got himself a new phone! He spotted this gorgeous red Vauxhall Cresta PA in Morrison’s car park and I love it. Seriously though, how beautiful is that car?

Vauxhall Cresta PA

Red Vauxhall Cresta PA

It looks like the owner really looks after his Cresta, it is absolutely gorgeous and looks so well kept too. I’m no expert but the car does look to be all original parts and is one of the best kept I’ve seen over the last few years. Old cars, bikes & buses really stand out and we are lucky to see quite a few around here on a regular basis.

I love the Churchill dogs in the back, they look great. The fact they have red cushions & hanging dice to match is pretty cool too. You can tell the owner loves the car from how well looked after & presented it is. Vauxhall Cresta PA inside

The Mr wasn’t too pleased with this shot but you can still see how immaculately kept this Vauxhall Cresta PA is inside. I think this may be one of my favourite cars the Mr has spotted for a while to be honest.

I’m looking forward to seeing what else he comes cross now he has a phone again. He has a 20.5MP camera compared to my 16MP which made me sulk to begin with. Luckily for him the camera isn’t that great at focusing & adjustments so I’ll let him off & keep searching for my next upgrade whilst enjoying the shots he does manage to take haha.

I’ll have to try and beat him now and find an even better car spot too!

Do you love this Vauxhall Cresta PA too? If not what is your favourite car spot?



    That's a beautiful car, so nice to see it has been taken care of. #MySundayPhoto

    Janet | 7 years ago Reply

    Gorgeous!!! That is a classic.

    Tamar Strauss-Benjamin | 7 years ago Reply

    That is stunning, I wish they still made cars like this Thank you for linking up darren coleshill recently posted...#MySundayPhoto - LighthouseMy Profile

    darren coleshill | 7 years ago Reply

    What a gorgeous car, love the colour too #MySundayPhoto

    Topsy Turvy Tribe | 7 years ago Reply

    That is so very cool Mollyx

    Molly | 7 years ago Reply

    I know nothing about cars but I do like the look of this one! It is gorgeous! Kim Carberry recently posted...Carving Pumpkins. #MySundayPhotoMy Profile

    Kim Carberry | 7 years ago Reply

    Wow. I love vintage cars. And that one's a real beauty!

    Jane Murguia | 7 years ago Reply

    Oh that is such a beautiful car. I love the colour and it looks so well cared for.

    Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) | 7 years ago Reply

    That is a car with proper style 😍😍 The type I would love to own if I were rich Tracey Abrahams recently posted...Edible Flowers? – My Sunday Photo – 5/11/17My Profile

    Tracey Abrahams | 7 years ago Reply

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