Jungle Jam in Brazil is an inspiring

Jungle Jam in Brazil
Mikey the monkey and his friends go on an exciting adventure in the second book by Noam & Louise Ledermen – Jungle Jam in Brazil. They head to Brazil to play huge show trying new things along the way.
Gina the giraffe is anxious about her trip & trying new things. Each time Gina the giraffe gets nervous her friends help her through. As someone who suffers from anxiety I found the storyline quite comforting. I’m certain any children with anxiety will find the story helpful and uplifting. I know I’ve been anxious about the same things as Gina before.

It can be scary going on a plane to a new country, trying new food, doing new things & performing in front of an audience. With friends by your side
It is a fabulous book for children. With bright colours & rhyming

Fancy winning a copy for your little one? Enter the competition below to win a copy of Jungle Jam in Brazil!*
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