I received From Triples to Triplets: The making of a triplet dad by S.C Wood to review. A beautifully written book following the personal journey from a life of self destruction into fatherhood with triplets.

From Triples To Triplets – The making of a triplet dad
Becoming a parent brings big responsibilities – and pressures to match. From triples go triplets charts one man’s journey from a destructive life of anger and alcoholism into fatherhood.
From overcoming the resentments and fears harboured as a result if his own abusive childhood, he was then faced with a high risk spontaneous pregnancy as a first time parent.
Convinced that the principles of love and patience would be enough to hold his young family together through the most stressful of events, this is a raw and honest account of the emotional ride taken by a new parent in a remarkable situation. In becoming a triplet dad.
My Thoughts
I was instantly drawn into S.C Wood’s personal story which begins at the very beginning, from his birth and childhood all the way through to fatherhood. The fact that many of us have unfortunately gone through similar childhoods makes it a very relatable read.
Si writes openly about his struggles with alcoholism and his destructive behaviour and it really is an eye opener, not to mention admirable to see how he pulled himself away from that with the use of meditation. Throughout his journey Si does have moments where he slips away from meditating regularly and you can see the impact that has on his day to day life and struggles. Faced with a high risk spontaneous pregnancy, a terrified wife and a step-daughter struggling with the changes, Si uses the power of meditation to get through each day, one struggle at a time, being the most supportive partner and parent he can be.
I honestly struggled to put this book down, we had contractors due in to fix our windows when the book arrived. I really should have tidied up some more but instead, I found myself wandering around with From Triples to Triplets in my hand doing smaller jobs.
It certainly gave me a different perspective, seeing what a new dad faces, especially around a high-risk pregnancy. I have to admit this made me apologise to the Mr, I never really took the time to consider how he felt through my pregnancies. I simply saw it as my battle to get through. Now I realise just how terrified he was when Eva was born premature and now I completely understand why he wasn’t happy when we discovered Izzy was on her way. I honestly believed he was being selfish but it was me being selfish. Both pregnancies were high risk and he knew that it could have gone very wrong.
The way S.C Wood has overcome each challenge in his life is admirable and his use of meditation has genuinely intrigued me. I have begun meditating using the same method myself, something I wouldn’t usually do in all honesty. I have after just a few days, noticed the calming effect meditating is having on me. I can see how it has helped Si stay calm and focused with triplets to look after!
Overall, I couldn’t recommend this book more. It really is a great read and whilst it is a personal story and not an advice book, I would definitely recommend new fathers giving this a read as they will face similar struggles and may find it a very useful read.

S.C Wood
Si is a welder, musician, husband, author and a first time biological father to triplet girls and an older daughter. From Triples To Triplets: The Making of a Triplet Dad is his first book and he also blogs over at Tripletdad.blog about his life with triplets and personal struggles.