This week hasn’t been too great If I’m honest. So I’ve been find ways of turning down days into up days. My pain levels have been high & I keep losing my balance. I’m trying my best to stay positive and just rest but sometimes it’s difficult as I explained here.
I guess there are always going to be bad day’s & I just need to fill those days doing something easy and simple to stop focusing on the pain. So I decided to do just that and busy myself with something & ended up finishing off knitting Izzy’s red scarf I started before Christmas & forgot to pick back up again.
I finished off the scarf quite quickly and decided to make a start on learning how to crochet using this Youtube video. The first thing I decided to try crocheting was a simple flower. At first it looked complicated & I thought Id never get the hang of it! Admittedly Izzy hopping on and off my lap didn’t help much at first but I managed to make my first crocheted flower.
I was quite impressed with how it turned out although a little annoyed I had obviously made 1 too many links on one of the petals so it was slightly larger than the others and a bit wonky.. But hey it was my first try 😀
After that I felt quite confident I could make another without a video & managed to produce this second crocheted flower.
I was much happier with this one and carried on making a few more..
Eva loved the flowers & asked me to make her a headband with a flower on. ( Just happened to be the wonkiest one!) So I gave it a go and this is how it turned out..
Eva loved it and tried it on straight away and wore it for the rest of the evening 😀
I’m quite pleased with how it turned out even if Eva did choose the wonkiest flower I’ve made (haha). I have really enjoyed learning too, I’m going to make Izzy a headband next and I want to learn to crochet hearts next too.
Do you crochet? Do you find it a calming hobby too? If you have any patterns or tutorials to share send me a link & I will check them out 🙂
Aww brilliant blog post, your crochet knitting is lovely. I couldn't do anything like that, I just don't have the patience to sit for that long doing it if I'm honest but it looks fab! 😍 Sorry to hear you have been in quite a bit of pain, I hope you get some respite from it soon. Great blog. LisaG @ XoX
LisaG | 9 years ago
Aw thank you! Honestly I used to get so frustrated learning knitting I'm surprised I'm so calm even when I have to start all over again with the crocheting. It really does help me keep focused on a bad day & making something so quickly leaves me feeling really positive too :D xxx
relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago
Well that's fantastic and I suppose with patience, a love for it & obviously it helps you relax then that is so much better. Hiking armed with my camera phone doing Photography is my biggest passion & has been for over 10 years now. I just love it. So happy to read your blog, it is a really great read XoX
LisaG | 9 years ago
Aw wow I love using my phone or camera to take pics but rarely go out enough atm! Was hoping to start project 366 this year as I did it on my last blog but think I'll give it a go next year when hopefully I'll be managing my pain better :) thank you again hun your comments & share's always put a smile on my face as does reading your blog too :) xxx
relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago
Aww what a beautiful comment, thank you so much hun 😍😍 I hope your pain becomes easier to manage. Your blogs and comments and even just chatting to you and catching up on Twitter also puts a big smile on my face, you are such a lovely person hun & I feel very happy to know you. Hope you have a good day. 😊 XoX
LisaG | 9 years ago
😍 Aw your welcome hun 😁 Thank you, I hope you have a lovely day too 😘💜 xxx
relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago
Well done for changing your perspective on a bad time, keep that up! :) Think you can make 1 of those bands bear sized with a ganja leaf instead? haha :p
LCpl Titwank | 9 years ago
Thank you :) haha only for the naughtiest bear I know!
relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago