I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog over the last week.. And I have some news.. I made a bit of a grown up blogger decision, with a fair bit of pushing from Tracey from One Frazzled Mum and Phil from Public Void Apps .. I’ve gone self hosted & moved over to relentlesslypurple.com!
I’ve still got a LOT to learn about this website stuff but I am remembering little bits & pieces and learning as I go and I seriously can’t thank Phil & Tracey enough for their help
I’m still looking for THE theme and keep tweaking things and changing my mind but I’m so impatient and excited I just couldn’t wait to share it with you all!
So what do you think so far? Do you have any tips or improvements you think I should make? Any theme suggestions? My site is for my reader’s and I am a bit of a noob haha! Providing it has some purple I’m happy 😉
You know me i love bling and tings. So the more bling n tings the better, buuuuuut its not my blog 😋
Vicky | 8 years ago
Haha! I'm still clueless as to what I can add on 🙈 I'm trying to learn though haha!
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Congrats! I've just started as well and looking for tips myself. Definitely feel like I have LOTS to learn and still have to find my feet! Excited to be getting there too :-) Well don for taking the big step! #KCACOLS
Sara | 8 years ago
Thank you! Congrats to you too! X
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Well done! I just went self-hosted too, and after spending several days yelling at the computer screen, I finally feel like I might be getting it sorted! #KCACOLS
Cherry - The Newby Tribe | 8 years ago
Haha that is exactly how I feel too lol x
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
congrats! Looks good so far. #KCACOLS
jeremy@thirstdyaddy | 8 years ago
Thank you :)
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Yaay to going self-hosted. It's scary but worth it...I think! #KCACOLS
Emma Island Living 365 | 8 years ago
Now I'm calming down and I haven't broken anything I'm starting to enjoy it.. somehow seems easier? haha x
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Congrats on moving over! I'm a noob too but read just enough to know that starting off self hosted would prevent the headache of a later move. Looks great to me :) #KCACOLS
Sarah @tortoisehappy.com | 8 years ago
Ooh thats a good idea! I probably could have stayed on my free site for a while yet but now I'm quite pleased it's all moved over 😊 x
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Woo! Being self hosted rocks! I use Genesis framework for my blog - it's absolutely great but does cost a few ££. WordPress 2016 theme was pretty good when I used free ones though - no junk code and because it's a WordPress theme there's lots of help available. Xx
Elsie Pop | 8 years ago
Ah Tracey did help with genesis but Izzy decided to delete it on my phone along with a ton of songs, emails, texting people... 🙈😂 I do need to learn a bit more about coding aswell as finding a slightly better (more purple) theme xx
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Yayyy. Well done you. Hoping to brave it myself in the new year. Keep playing about with it and I'm sure you'll feel happy with it soon x
Cassie | 8 years ago
Yayyy. Well done you. Hoping to brave it myself in the new year. Keep playing about with it and I'm sure you'll feel happy with it soon x
Cassie | 8 years ago
Well done you for making the leap! It took me far too long to do it! x #KCACOLS
Madeline (This Glorious Life) | 8 years ago
Thank you! x
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
My only comment is that you can't see your full tag line in the purple header
Anna | 8 years ago
Thank you! That is something I definitely need to chane asap!
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Congratulations on your 'Grown Up' blogging decision! I'm still looking for the right theme, so tell me when you find it! I've hated mine since about 2 weeks in, but I'm also a bit scared of changing for fear of losing all the plug-ins etc. All advice/hand holding very welcome! #KCACOLS
Cal at Family Makes | 8 years ago
Aw thank you! It's so hard to fine THE theme isn't it!? I don't have to worry about deleting anything, my 2yo did that on my first day of playing around hahah xx
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Well done! It is a big decision; I went self hosted not long ago and I'm still trying to get used to what I want from my blog! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!
The Speed Bump | 8 years ago
Thank you! I'm definitely still trying to work it all out & now struggling to write 😬 trying not to stress about it though.. Hopefully I'll find something to write about soon! X
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago