Anyone that know’s me well knows I would absolutely LOVE a Harley Davidson, in purple of course! This Harley the Mr spotted is pretty cool too and owned by a guy who served in the para regiment and was enjoying a pint at the same pub as him.
I love the sound of a Harley engine and love wandering past the lakeside store and seeing them all outside… I’ll have to see if I can snap my dream bike for a #MySundayPhoto soon! Do you have a dream bike too?
I've never really been a car or a bike guy. other than thinking they are 'pretty' I've never got the fascination. I do however know that if I got a bike, I would want it to be a Harley. L
Lewis (dadwhoblogs) | 8 years ago
There really is something about a Harley that makes them stand out from the crowd!
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
Ohh! That is fantastic! Kim Carberry recently posted...Playing nicely together. #MySundayPhoto
Kim Carberry | 8 years ago
I do love Harleys!
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
I would love to even just ride a Harley, beautiful machine Thank you for linking up darren coleshill recently posted...Macphun Luminar Photo Editing #10 - Black & White Edit
darren coleshill | 8 years ago
They are absolutely amazing 😍
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
That looks like a secret love Coombe Mill - Fiona recently posted...Uncovering Kantia the local retreat from Athens
Coombe Mill - Fiona | 8 years ago
My hubby is bike mad and says he'll own one, one day. Great picture for #mysundayphoto
Cath - BattleMum | 8 years ago
So many people would love a Harley, they truly are beautiful machines!
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
I love the idea of the freedom of a bike but now I'm older I can't see me on one! This is great though #MySundayPhoto Bear and Cardigan recently posted...#MySundayPhoto Number 8
Bear and Cardigan | 8 years ago
Never too old! I'd love to ride one. I'm determined to one day!
RelentlesslyPurple | 8 years ago
This is a long running argument I have with my eldest Michael. He loves all these modern plastic bikes, but in true rock chick style I love Harleys.
Tracey Abrahams | 8 years ago
Beautiful bike. I've never been on a Harley but I used to date someone who rode a motorbike and have some happy memories of going out on the bike with him to different places :-) Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted...From the mouths of babes #108
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) | 8 years ago
Always liked a Harley but never owned one , they are beautiful bikes that's for sure , my uncle owned one back in the 1950's , guess I'm a hog lover , well that's what they call them over here in the states ! Great post ! Love the picture!
Kerry Dickerson | 7 years ago
I'd love to own one, I loved the pic of your uncles one in the 50's
RelentlesslyPurple | 7 years ago