6 Goals For 2019

I’ve set myself 6 goals for 2019. I’m not usually the type to go making resolutions but I do have a few aims for this year, they are all realistic goals I hope to achieve.

6 Goals For 2019

1. Read 20 Books

I found my love of reading again in 2018 and managed to work my way through several Dick Francis books and both books by Fiona Morgan. In total, I read about 10 books last year which I’m really pleased about! The Mr helped me decide a number and we set a goal of 20 books for 2019. A realistic goal in between blogging, crocheting and life. I used to read so much that this has to be at thetop of my 6 goals for 2019.

2. Continue Learning Crochet

I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to crochet. I’ve made a few scarves, blankets, cardigans and a few amigurami makes over the last 2-3 years. Having taught myself using YouTube and Pinterest for how to’s and ideas to help, my confidence has really grown, especially in 2018. I’m proud to say I actually designed my very own Purple Crocheted Summer Cardigan. A huge achievement for me! I can’t wait to learn and make more.

3. Blog More

Over 3 and a half years I’ve created over 450 blog posts! Another big achievement for me. I’ve slowly got more confident with my writing but my personal posts have been lacking a little in 2018. Lots of lows made blogging a chore at some points but I’m determined to log more on the blog. This is my space but I let the worry of a certain person reading my thoughts hold me back. I’m determined to write how and when I want in 2019 and to write a lot more!

4. Quit Smoking

I am slowly feeling calmer and coping better so I am hoping this will help me quit smoking in 2019. I intend to buy another vape soon and hopefully, that will help. Even if I just manage to cut down to start with I will be happy!

5. Craft More

We love to craft and made a fantastic cardboard box dragon in 2018 that the girls really enjoyed. I want to do more crafting like this and share our makes on the blog!

6. Be Me

I’ve slowly started finding me again this year and I want to be more me. For years I was convinced I was a waste of space. Nothing I did would ever be good enough but with the support from the Mr, the girls and a few close friends I’ve slowly learnt I am enough. I may find it difficult to start conversations, I may be awkward, forget plans or to return messages but I do care. I’m always around if someone needs me, they only need to shout. I will always do my best to try and do the right thing even if it turns out not to be. I know I’m not perfect but I’m determined to love my flaws and just be me for 2019.

Leaving A Stressful 2018 Behind

2018 was a rollercoaster year for me, losing my ESA, nearly losing myself in the appeals process and finally losing contact with my brother. I’m determined to have a better year, my head is in a better place and whilst I am immensely gutted about my brother, it’s made me see things differently.

I know now that I am not responsible for my brother and his behaviour and I refuse to let him blame me for his own mistakes any longer. The behaviour my girls have seen from him isn’t anything I’d allow from anyone else and even their attitude and behaviour has improved without contact. They were devastated he didn’t get in touch over Christmas which led to missing certain traditions with him though.

Having gone out of my way to include my brother in everything I can over the years, I have to admit it hit hard that he hasn’t apologised but I’m determined to move forward this year and stop feeling guilty and responsible for everyone else.

There has been some positives from 2018, I’ve got some good friends around like Martyn, Hannah, Checka and a few who don’t blog too. The girls have had amazing school reports and are happy which has made me feel immensely proud! We had a lovely Christmas and for the first time in a long time I feel really calm.

This year will be about me, the Mr and the girls, it will be full of growth and lessons learnt and hopefully, I will achieve my 6 goals for 2019!

Do you have any goals for 2019?


    Wishing you the best of luck with your goals - especially the quitting smoking one! I have a post with some tips to help you quit. Cutting down is a good start and using a vape instead too. It's the best thing to do for your health.

    Rachael Stray | 6 years ago Reply

    Some nice goals to aim for! Although I agree number 1 is important, I think number 6 should be your number 1 goal. You can only be you- everybody else is already taken... And whoever looks back and goes "I'd wish I'd tried to be more like everyone else"? Mike recently posted...New Theme: Twenty NineteenMy Profile

    Mike | 6 years ago Reply

      Hmm I guess so, but reading is also very me haha! That's true but I think you lose yourself trying to please everyone else at times even if you aren't trying to be like anyone else. This year will definitely be more about finding me and enjoying things again. Obviously with a few daily meltdowns haha!

      RelentlesslyPurple | 6 years ago Reply

    I am a big believer in goals are better than resolutions. I have never managed to complete resolutions, whereas goals feel a little easier and a lot more rewarding. Where better to start with you goals. New Year and a fresh start. We share several, smoking, blog more & read more. I have a couple more personal ones that I want to achieve also. Good luck with all of your goals and may we all achieve what we want in 2019.

    Ian | 6 years ago Reply

      I agree. Goals seem much more achievable. I hope you meet all your goals in 2019 too. 😊

      RelentlesslyPurple | 6 years ago Reply

    I'm sorry that 2018 wasn't so great for you but those are good goals and I really hope you manage them. Well done to your girls on their reports. #ThatFridayLinky

    Anne | 6 years ago Reply

    I would also love to read at least 12 books this year and to write more blog posts (at least once a week). Happy 2019 and may we achieve our goals this year. #ThatFridayLinky

    Carmela | 6 years ago Reply

    I haven't really set any goals for 2019 yet, other than maintaining the positive changes I made in 2018. But I'll come up with some by the end of the month, I'm sure. Wishing you all the best with your goals, especially the one to quit smoking. If you accomplished nothing else in 2019, that alone would be the very best thing you can do for yourself and all the people who love you. Jean | Delightful Repast recently posted...Guildford Manchets - A British Historical "Receipt" (Recipe)My Profile

    Jean | Delightful Repast | 6 years ago Reply

    Good luck with acheiving your goals. I think anyone who can crochet is amazing. I have tried and I just can't do it! Don't let anyone hold you back when it comes to blogging. I had a time like that last year when I knew someone was reading my blog and was so careful about what I would post. It made me misrable. #ThatFridayLinky Kim Carberry recently posted...This week my Word of the Week is: Limbo #WotWMy Profile

    Kim Carberry | 6 years ago Reply

    Fab goals Ember I need to give up smoking too! I hope 2019 is a better year for you, I finally lost complete contact with my brother this year but I have come to terms with it. Hard but ultimately the right decision. Thanks for linking up to #thatfridaylinky hope to see you next week

    Nige | 6 years ago Reply

    This is such a lovely post Ember. You had a lot of ups and downs last year soni hope this year will be kinder. Obviously it’ll have it’s obstacles like all years do but you have changed and grown and we are all here for you good and bad times. X

    Hannah Goode | 6 years ago Reply

    Thank you lovely! Hope you have a better year too xxx

    RelentlesslyPurple | 6 years ago Reply

    My goals are yo spend and enjoy time with my family as much as possible

    Jeanette Leighton | 6 years ago Reply

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