I’ve Crocheted Jesus, his faithful Donkey (as Eva calls him) and a Grumpy Care Bear over the last month. I’m now so close to completing my 10 Crochet Projects for 2019! With just Dobby (who I’ve started), a blanket and an aeroplane left to make.

Crocheted Jesus
I really enjoyed making a crocheted Jesus for Martyn, I learnt several things whilst crocheting him. This is one of the first patterns I’ve followed where I’ve had to try out the popcorn stitch. It turns out this stitch is really simple and great for making toes! You can find the pattern here if you’d like to try it too.

I also learnt the weft method for creating Jesus’ hair. This is a fairly simple process but takes a little time. Once all strands are split, you can then use an iron or straighteners to smooth out the kinks.

I was impressed with how quickly Jesus came together to be honest. He looked fairly tricky but it didn’t take long. I added some craft wire inside his arms, legs and body so Martyn has a poseable Jesus haha!

Next up was a Donkey, again for Martyn, after all, Jesus needs his faithful donkey (according to Eva!). This pattern was really simple and I didn’t stress at all over this make.

Crocheting the donkey gave me a little confidence boost. It wasn’t that long ago I could barely hold a hook correctly and now I can make a perfect little donkey head!

I think Donkey turned out pretty well for a first attempt. I can see one or two small tweaks I could make but overall, I am really happy with him! His tail is pretty cool too.

Grumpy Care Bear
It’s safe to say Grumpy Care Bear has been one of my biggest challenges yet. The pattern didn’t quite seem to match up, I’m not sure if I was reading it wrong and unfortunately the pattern seller hasn’t replied. I decided to try a few changes and managed to work it out in the end.

I don’t get on too well when it comes to cutting and sticking felt or sewing details on. What looked like lovely hearts and raindrops ended up looking a little blob-like. Sewing is definitely not my forte but I am determined to improve with time.

Poor Grumpy Care Bear looks a little traumatised, he’s obviously seen things no Care Bear should ever see! Whilst the detail was a bit of a fail, I’m pleased he at least looks like a bear. I guess we all have to start somewhere.
Whilst Grumpy was a little tricky, I’m still really enjoying all these crochet projects! I currently have Dobby’s head and body made and a few other projects I’ll share soon as my list has extended quite a bit. My yarn stash has grown quite rapidly so I should be able to keep myself busy.