Sisterhood Of The World Nomination
I was nominated to take part in the sisterhood of the world Award thanks to @thewaitress88 π
I find these kinds of things quite fun to fill out so it didn’t take me too long to answer my 10 questions and come up with 10 more for those I’ve tagged π
Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog
Answer the questions given to you
Nominate 10 bloggers for the award
Write 10 questions for your nominees to answer
Display the award on your blog/post
My Q&A’s
If you had to live without one of your senses, what would it be?
After putting some thought into this I decided I’d prefer to live without my hearing above all my other senses although I’d still hate not hearing my daughter’s voices (as much as some day’s they drive me crazy!) or listening to music.
If you could get away with a crime would you? If yes what would it be?
Hmm this is a tough one! It would probably be a petty crime doing something silly like trespassing and skinny dipping in someones pool.. Because surely if your going to break the law and get into trouble you may aswell have fun doing it, right?
What animal best represents you & why?
I’d say a dog because they are loyal and loving & try to do anything to please those they love.
Why did you choose your profession?
I don’t have a profession, I was studying Childcare and then changed my mind to ICT but didn’t manage to finish either course due to ill health & my miscarriage. I’m really hoping to work in Admin or something similar when I am feeling better and managing my pain, anxiety and depression well π
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
New Zealand. On my dad’s side my grandfather was from New Zealand, its always been an interesting place to me and finding this out at 18 has left me wanting to visit ever since.
If you could take only 3 items to a desert island what would they be?
A book, my knitting & a solar powered mp3 player π
What was your dream job growing up?
I wanted to work in childcare with young children so badly. Unfortunately my work experience really has put me off as much as I really enjoyed working with the kids.
If you could have one superpower what would it be and would you use it?
Healing powers. I hate seeing people in pain and suffering especially those I love and always hate the fact I cant take it away and make it better for them.
How would your best friend describe you?
Crazy as hell, obsessed with literally ANYTHING that is purple, caring and loyal.
Who is your personal hero?
I cant really think of anyone I would class as my hero if I am honest.
I really enjoyed taking part in this and answering my questions, Here’s my questions for those I have nominated..
- Β If you & your family could move anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
- If you had 1 hour to do absolutely anything you like (with no restrictions i.e money, travel etc) what would you do?
- Β What are your top 3 books?
- If you could support only one charity for life which one would it be & why?
- Β What was the most useful item you bought in 2015?
- If you could have dinner with absolutely anyone living or not who would it be and what would you talk about?
- Whis your favorite hobby? (Apart from blogging)
- What is your dream car?
- Do you have any pets?
- What do you collect?
My Nominees
Thank you so much for taking part :) I love your super power answer, it's not the normal thing that people would say. I also hope that you manage to get back into work when the time is right for you xx
nmott31 | 9 years ago
Thanks for nominating me :) It was quite fun thinking about my answers and thinking up new questions! xx
relentlesslypurple | 9 years ago
Thank u for nominating me π
Mommy_Lopez | 9 years ago