Staying On Top

I’ve shared quite a bit on this blog over the last year and I have to say it’s definitely helped, even when I went through a quiet patch the blog was still here being read and liked & commented on and I’ve started to get back into the swing of things again.

Staying on top

I’ve met some lovely bloggers & I’ve noticed myself interacting more and over the last few weeks that has given me a bit of a boost to be honest. Now I’m full of idea’s again and being a lot more organized jotting down notes and dates so I don’t keep forgetting and feeling empty and useless.

On top of all that reading what other’s have gone through or are going through has really been a big motivation for me on bad day’s, if they can carry on & find ways around their challenges I can too!

Sometimes it makes it easier to push through and get things done and sometimes it reminds you to take that much needed break. All in all I think it’s helped me restore some kind of balance and I feel like I’m staying on top of everything again not just the blog.

During my quiet patch I spent a lot of time thinking I was completely useless. My brother especially has helped me see that although I am limited by what I can do, it doesn’t make me lazy, he reminded me of our ‘mother’ growing up and how much more I do for my girls in comparison.

I spend a lot of time pointing out what I can’t do and all the things going wrong but I’m trying to focus on what I can do and what’s going well instead. Instead of feeling awful for taking a break I use that time to blog or chat or crochet so I’m still doing something rather than feeling sorry for myself.

I know there are still going to be days where it is all too much but hopefully with a bit more positivity those days will become fewer.

I’ve started writing notes in notebooks, on post it’s and on our little whiteboard on the fridge to help me remember things & it is definitely helping me be a bit more organized. Perhaps if I finally start using my planner and calander a little better too I’ll spend less time frustrated & forgetting things & getting more done aswell as actually resting when I need to.

Hopefully I can stay on top of things and keep positive for a while! How do you stay on top? What help’s you stay positive?


    Yay for getting back in the swing of things! I hae loved chatting with you recently and you are always welcome to mestage about anything at all good or bad!

    Tracey bowden | 8 years ago Reply

      Aw thank you so much! Your definitely one of the people I enjoy talking to most :) your lovely comments this week have picked me up a few times xx

      relentlesslypurple | 8 years ago Reply

    When things were really bad for me in terms of my anxiety and depression, I had to list at least one positive thing about each day. I had CBT earlier this year and I got given a number of techniques. If you want, I could give you more information about them x

    Gemma | 8 years ago Reply

      That would be amazing, thank you! Xx

      relentlesslypurple | 8 years ago Reply

        I will look through all the stuff I got from CBT over the next few days. Do you have an email address I could send them to? x

        Gemma | 8 years ago Reply

          Brilliant :) you can send them to Thank you again xx

          relentlesslypurple | 8 years ago Reply

            No problem. Keep up the good work :) x

            Gemma | 8 years ago

    Lovely post !

    angrygblog | 8 years ago Reply

    It's reassuring to know there are people that feel simile to how you do. I have only just joined your blog so I haven't yet discovered what you have been going through. But from just this post it sounds as though you are a survivor like many of us and you have an amazing brother who talks a lot of sense and wisdom. Check out my recent post 'Confession of a proverbial fuck up' and I hope it helps you to see there are many of us floating along in a similar boat, feeling alone, but there are so many surrounding us, waiting to help. We just have to ask 💋

    Gorgeousgeorgesmama | 8 years ago Reply

      I do finding it so reassuring reading other blogs, thank you for your kind words, I haven't quite touched the surface on the blog yet but I have shared bits & pieces but it can be hard sharing stuff without coming across as a moaner at times lol I'll pop over now & have a read :) Thank you for popping over, sharing & commenting xx 💜

      relentlesslypurple | 8 years ago Reply

        Oh god it's so scary sharing. I still think mine sounds a bit vague even. Just too scary sharing your real thoughts for fear of what might happen. Nothing I'm sure. But just share what you feel you need to to help you. Wishing you a strong recovery 💋

        Gorgeousgeorgesmama | 8 years ago Reply

    I write things down all the time...mainly to cope with senior moments of forgetfulness...I am a natural worrier and a natural "I can't do it" person, but with some positive thinking it is amazing what you can do with the abilities you already have xxx

    pinkcobweb1 | 8 years ago Reply

      I am the same with worrying and not believing I can do things but your right a little positivity can go a long way xx

      relentlesslypurple | 8 years ago Reply

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