Here’s a second crochet project update, you can read the last one here. I set myself a goal of 10 projects to complete this year and have been working my way through them quicker than I thought I would.

Second Crochet Project Update
I’ve managed another 2 projects on the Crochet To-do list leaving just 6 left. Thankfully a second list has begun as I can’t see this keeping me occupied all year after all, haha!
Admittedly the ‘Cushion for me’ was actually for Martyn! I wanted to make it as a surprise using some of his mums left over wool he gave me at Christmas. I didn’t use a pattern thinking a simple granny square design would suffice. I’ve never made a cushion before but decided to just give it a go.

I used blues as it is Martyn’s colour, particularly the middle and grey goes quite nicely in between. As I was using scraps I had to work out a pattern before I started. I made the squares as two pieces then stitched them together leaving one side open to insert the cushion.

I was quite impressed with my stitching on this cushion. I added a short panel on one side like on pillow cases so the base of the cushion didn’t poke out. I then added two star buttons to help keep it shut. This means the cover can be taken off to wash and dry.
Unicorn For Izzy
Next I started on a Unicorn for Izzy. I used a pattern for this but with Izzy’s guidance we changed a few things!

The pieces were all quite easy to make. Although my stitching still needs a little improvement with Amigurumi patterns it went together quite easily!

It didn’t take long at all to stitch everything together and see a unicorn slowly appear.

Apart from the glitter wool (never again! Ouch) I quite enjoyed making Izzy’s unicorn. Although I did get a little bored making so many curlicues.

Luckily Izzy decided we needed less curlicues and rather than two rows all the way down the head she opted to spread them out more like hair. Phew!

Next Make
I decided my next make will be the Grumpy care bear for Hannah as I have all the yarn I need for it and it looks like another quick make!