My Sunday Photo – Eva’s 7th Birthday

It was Eva’s 7th Birthday on Wednesday so this week I’m joining in with #MySundayPhoto and sharing 3 of my favourite pictures from Eva’s birthday.

Eva’s 7th Birthday

Eva's 7th birthday

You can’t go to school on your birthday without a huge badge to let everyone know it’s your birthday! (And rip a hole in your school top doing so 😉 haha) She was so happy to get a pink fidget spinner for her birthday too and I love the smile on her face in this picture.

Eva's 7th birthday cake

Eva had a lovely day and had friends & family over to share her cake with her. This lovely big cupcake had plenty of colourful icing, sugary stars and a surprise middle too! Topped off with a No.7 candle & sparkler!

Eva sized Pinkie pie balloon

Her Uncle Slim bought her a huge Pinkie Pie balloon which has literally made her year! I love this picture of her cuddling Pinkie Pie, My little pony is one of Eva’s favourite things along with Shopkins!

What have you shared this week?




#WorldMentalHealthAwarenessWeek – Opening Up


It’s that time of the year again, #WorldMentalHealthAwarenessWeek!

I decided to join in by opening up a bit more & sharing some resources too. My mental health is far from fantastic and I suffer from Anxiety & Depression. I recently started CBT to help me with this. In doing so I have discovered my problems are much more than Anxiety and depression. I panic over the smallest things, I have nightmares and flashbacks, constantly feel guilty for EVERYTHING and after my most recent CBT session I’m pretty sure I have PTSD too. I’ve highlighted a few issues and things I can do to help my mental health which may helps others too. *May contain triggers


Along with chronic pain having a big effect on my mental health it turns out my childhood has had more of an effect than I realised. Discussing my issues with my therapist has made me realise so much that went on when I was growing up was wrong. I always tried to protect my ‘mother’ growing up. Knowing she’d had a rough childhood herself and moved down south to get away from it all, knowing my ‘father’ had beaten her, knowing she fought regularly with my brother’s dad and knowing she had mental health issues herself I always tried to defend her.

I always felt guilty somehow, my brother being in care felt like my fault, her struggling felt like my fault, her losing her temper felt like my fault. Surely I must have done something wrong to deserve it all? I’m starting to realise it wasn’t my fault how I was treated but I know it’s going to take a long time to get out of this way of thinking.


Explaining to other’s what that went on can be difficult, most of the time I’m convinced I won’t be believed. I mean come on! Seriously, who in their right mind lets their children know they are into BDSM. Who show’s off their ‘toy’s’ (whips, canes etc.) to their kid’s? I grew up thinking it was normal, at 14 I was learning to crack 6ft bullwhips. I won’t lie I thought it was cool, that part I still do! Trying to understand that lifestyle as a teen though obviously had some major effects.

Chatting to a few people about it this week has really helped me look at my childhood in a different way. I’ve felt ashamed opening up about my past but I’m beginning to see it isn’t me who should be ashamed! I didn’t ask to be brought up that way, I was a child who had no choice in what went on around me.



With my brother going into care & my ‘mother’ out most of the time at clubs of events, I spent a lot of time alone. I watched her go through so many relationships some ‘vanilla’ some very much not so. It’s only recently I have realised this had such an impact on my relationships.

I found it hard to trust, or feel and most of the time just became obsessed with an excuse to be out the house. Of course this meant I was selfish, didn’t care about her or the fact my brother was in care. I broke up with people simply because I couldn’t deal with the stress and moaning at home. It was easier to be lonely.. less stressful. I was always told no man would ever love me & they only wanted one thing. I couldn’t put my trust into anyone fully.

When a close family friend died the day before my 18th birthday my world literally fell apart. That man had stood by us through so many problems, he stood up for me on more than one occasion and I knew without him there things would spiral out of control at home. After this I tried to overdose several times. Luckily I failed, after the first 50 odd tablets I tried I kept throwing up and eventually I slept it off.


Friendships Growing Up

I struggled to make friends growing up always being the weirdo’s kid but I did at least make a few over the years. Some were disgusted by what my ‘mother’ got up to but chose to ignore it, other’s were slightly interested and thought it was ‘cool’. The kids in our street all knew quite young what she got up to and I can imagine their parents were horrified.

By the time I hit my teen years only one other parent would talk to her & I think that was more for us, she covered for me a few times saying I was sleeping over or having dinner with them so I could get out for a night. I remember one huge argument between my ‘mother’ and her boyfriend, freshly laid patio being smashed up, plants & pots flying everywhere, me & my brother were so upset and confused. I grabbed my bear ‘Bestie’ (The girls now have him!) and my brother and stood in the street crying, this friends mum took us in for a few hours to get us away from it.

Leaving Home

As a teen people thought my ‘mother’ was cool for a while but then they started to encourage me to leave home. Bit by bit people were seeing what she was like when we were home alone. The majority of people I knew all felt I needed to get out as soon as possible, part of me wishes I listened sooner but it’s difficult to believe you aren’t just an awful teen causing problems!

I guess I’m glad I stayed so long as I might not have got back with the Mr and have our gorgeous girls. The day I did get brave enough to leave we had an argument, I was pinned to the bed and when she raised her fist I got brave. ‘Go on fucking hit me!’ This made her back off physically and instead she started screaming at me how I was such a horrible person, how I hated her & my brother, I’d ruined their lives because I was so selfish. She got ready to leave for work screaming how she was going to go jump in front of the train and kill herself because that’s what I wanted.

Panicking I sat in my room sobbing until the front door shut. I couldn’t do it anymore, whether it was her or me causing these problems I just couldn’t carry on living that way. I called the council explained everything & was told I needed to head to Women’s aid as what had just gone on was classed as domestic abuse. Because of my age social services couldn’t help.

Still Apologising

Even after that call I still felt like everything was my fault. I thought I was causing her to have this temper and ruining everything for her. If I wasn’t there that solved the problem for her. I wrote a letter apologising for being such an awful daughter. Writing how I hoped me leaving would mean we could build a better relationship, not being on top of each other. I left my keys with the letter packed a bag with a few essentials & my birth certificate & headed to women’s aid.

As I got to the women’s aid centre I got a call which I was told to ignore as she would have just discovered I’d left and be angry. They were right and I quickly got a text saying if I couldn’t ‘be bothered’ to answer the phone not to bother her again. I didn’t contact her again after that and it took another 3 months before she discovered a diary of mine and called me. She had read a paragraph loosely mentioning I had been abused and she wanted to know what had gone on. I still felt guilty and told her nothing, I made out it was me being scared after we had been burgled.

Trying Again

I felt so guilty after that call that I agreed to meet up with her in London. We met and things were ok for almost a year, I fell pregnant with Eva and she showed interest & helped me out where she could. At this point my brother was in Northampton after several suicide attempts. It was difficult to visit him especially after a C-section with a new born to look. I had a chat with his social worker and we agreed on a home visit at our flat. We would have to be checked out by Social services and have the flat looked over for escape routes etc. I figured this would be better for him anyway, in a more comfortable setting.

Our ‘mother’ wasn’t allowed home visits, looking back it’s not surprising! I talked to the social worker and managed to get her to agree to our ‘mother’ being there too since it was supervised contact. We had a great day and took loads of pictures for us all to look back on. I had high hopes that this family setting would help us all be a little closer.

Giving Up For Good

I was asked to email over the photo’s to our ‘mother’ so I did. The next morning I got a rather aggressive text demanding I sent the photo’s. I replied to say I had sent them but would try again. She refused to believe I had sent them as she hadn’t received them. I sent screenshots of the sent messages & she blew up at me saying she had told me it needed to go to her work email not her personal one as she could only access her work one.

By this point I was in tear but sent the pictures to the correct account whilst still receiving abusive messages. I’d apparently not sent her the pictures because I hated her. Apparently I thought she was a shit mum and didn’t deserve pictures of her family. No matter how much I tried to explain I had sent them, I was wrong. Even when I realised she wanted them sent to her work email and did that it still wasn’t good enough.

The argument quickly took to Facebook where she tried to embarrass me which she seemed to enjoy doing. The Mr had had enough at this point. He’d seen what she was like when I was living with her. He had also seen how it affected me and how hard I tried to please her. He stepped in and told her to stay away from his family from now on. I haven’t spoken to her since and never want to again. I gave up for good on that day.


The Mr has been absolutely amazing and helped me through a lot of issues. He has had to put up with so much because of my dysfunctional upbringing. When things started to get worse with chronic pain on top of everything else it caused a lot of problems. I reverted back to being extremely defensive and told him to leave far too many times. He shared this article with me the other day and I have to say it explains anxiety in relationships so well! I actually felt less guilty for reading it. He doesn’t deserve to go through it & it’s difficult for him just as it is for me but it can’t be helped. I can honestly say the Mr has had a great impact on my life though and has stuck by me through some of my biggest crashes. I have a lot of issues to continue working through which will take time. The Mr has already helped me massively, but it definitely hasn’t been the easiest ride.

Self care

Whilst CBT and the Mr are helping me I need to help myself too. Self care is majorly important for our mental health. Growing up to believe I was selfish means I struggle badly with self care. Usually I have to find ways to justify doing something for me. It has to somehow help someone else too or do some good. I’m slowly working on this though and trying not to feel guilty doing something for myself or something I enjoy. I’ve been conditioned to think nothing but negative thought’s about myself. I hope eventually I can kick these negative thoughts. I’m looking into mindfulness and ways to look after myself & have some me time to help.

Talk about it

Blogging has been a big help, somewhere to rant and ramble when I need to. Uplifting comments & people understanding what I’m going through has helped a lot. I’ve overcome a lot of the years and have a lot more to work through. I still have nightmares that wake the Mr, violently hitting out & screaming in my sleep. Explaining a lot of this and reading up on guilt, shame, anxiety has pointed me in the direction of PTSD. Due to my nightmares & flashbacks the Mr also seems to think I have PTSD.

I’m slowly beginning to realise none of it was my fault. I was a child and not in control at all. I’m beginning to realise it’s not normal for a child to find out about BDSM so young. Seeing people walk around dressed up (or not so dressed up!) and hearing/seeing people being beaten messes your head up. Regardless of the fact it was 2 consenting adults, a child shouldn’t be seeing that.


Growing up in a dysfunctional family  leaves it’s mark for the rest of your life. You are probably wondering how I’ve managed to find positives. I know it’s affected me negatively. I also like to think it’s made me a better person in some ways too though. I’m more open minded than a lot of people I know. I’m the first to admit when I mess something up. I love my girls to the moon & back and make sure I hug and kiss them always. Affection was something we lacked growing up. Cuddles were extremely awkward. We were told it made her feel ‘dirty’. I think I remember being hugged maybe 5 times growing up. I hate how that felt even now and I promised both my girls the day they were born I would smother them in love, hugs & kisses for the rest of their lives!

It was a struggle to believe for a long time the Mr loved me, I didn’t see how he could. Now I know that I’m extremely lucky. He DOES loves me & would do anything for me which he’s proven time after time over the last 8 years. He’s stuck by me and supported me through some rough times even when I’ve been a complete bitch.

Whilst I don’t have a lot of friends those I do have I would do ANYTHING for! I understand when friends are down and need to just be around people even if we don’t talk. I know sometimes people need to rant essays at me and don’t want a real response just something to let them know you are there, you are listening, you do understand they are struggling & they have somewhere to vent.

Getting Help

It’s taken a long time for me to finally reach out properly and get professional help. Always believing I’d be wasting their time! Now I realise just how messed up my head is and how important getting help is. Get a referral if you can. It may take a while but do what you can in the meantime to get help, take time out for you, there are online sites & telephone lines to help anyone struggling too.

If you need someone to talk to DM me on twitter (@lentlesslypurpl) or email me (, I’m usually around somewhere and more than happy to chat. I’ve provided a few sites & numbers below for those in need of help.

If you or someone you know need a little help the numbers & sites below may be useful:

Womens Aid – 0808 2000 247 – Available 24/7

NSPCC – 0808 8005 000 – Available 24/7

Mind0300 123 3393 – Available 9am-6pm Mon-Fri

Heads Together Support – Contains A list of different services available

Sane – 0300 304 7000 – Available 4.30pm – 10.30pm daily

Find Mental Health Services in Your area using NHS Service search

It has taken me the entire week to write & rewrite this post. My anxiety made me worry for so many reasons, I wasn’t sure I was going to post this. Tmore we talk about these things though the easier it is for others to open up and get help too. I’m not hiding anymore.
This is my story in support of #worldmentalhealthawarenessweek

Turning #TearsIntoSmiles With Elastoplast

We’ve been turning #tearsintosmiles with Elastoplast this week! Eva can be rather clumsy at times and quite often hurts herself in some way. It has become a family joke that Eva could win an award for the most medical forms sent home from school! We joined the Britmums & Elastoplast #TearsIntoSmiles challenge and were sent some awesome Frozen and Star Wars Plasters to join in with.


We headed out to the park at the weekend, the girls really enjoyed running around and playing on this awesome ship! Whilst playing outdoors is important in child development falls and scrapes can happen often. Eva loves to climb but she managed to lose grip fall off the climbing frame and hurt her arm. We dusted her off and she seemed ok, just a small scratch. We gave her a quick cuddle and tried to distract her with pirate jokes.

#TearsIntoSmiles with Elastoplast

Playing in the park

When a cuddle doesn’t help usually distractions work best. Usually joking helps but when she has a cut it can be quite difficult to calm her down. Luckily I had the Frozen plasters we were sent in my bag at the ready. We quickly cleaned the scratch and popped a plaster on it which instantly turned her #TearsIntoSmiles. We headed home for a cuddle on the sofa & watched a film and Eva soon forgot all about her cut.

All kids react differently when they hurt themselves but when they do get upset a cuddle and distraction seems to work for us. Izzy rarely cuts herself and is one to get straight back up and dust herself off like nothing ever happened. Occasionally she will ask for a cuddle but cheers up fairly easily and carries on playing.


How do you #TurnTearsIntoSmiles? Do your little ones love character plasters too?

Check out Elastoplast’s #TearsIntoSmiles video below! What do you think?

*This post is an entry for the BritMums #TearsintoSmiles Challenge, sponsored by Elastoplast.




7th Birthday Gifts

It’s Eva’s birthday today so I have put together this list of 7th birthday gifts to help anyone shopping for a 7 year old! Eva has a huge range of interests so it can make birthday shopping quite fun. This year we have been sent several products to feature in this gift guide (all approved by Eva herself!) as well as adding in a few we picked ourselves.


  1. Eva has been a shopkins fan since season 2 and has been asking for Shopkin Shoppies recently. I decided to act like I had no idea what she was on about and asked her to show me them on Amazon. Of course I got her to point out her favourite which was Jessicake, at £29.99. The pack includes Jessicake, 2 shopkins, a VIP card and accessories. 7th birthday Shopkins Shoppie Jessicake
  2. Anyone that knows my girls know that they like to make things whether it arts & crafts or making something delicious in the kitchen. Eva loves baking & eating the results so these Bumblebee Chocolate lolly kit’s from What2buy4kids are a perfect gift. Bound to keep any 7 year old busy with a tasty treat to show off and eat at the end! They would make fun party bag fillers too.bumblebee chocolate lolly making kit
  3. The BFG is an all time favourite for children and adults alike! Eva is obsessed with Roald Dahl at the moment so the BFG DVD is a gift that will no doubt be watched countless times! We love sitting down with a film, curtains closed and munch at the ready. I’m sure by the weekend once Eva has finished fitting in all her birthday guests curling up to watch a good film will be well needed!The BFG
  4. Packs by post are a subscription service which sounds out craft materials by post. The difference with these crafts packs are that no instructions/rules are included, children are free to use their imagination! Eva doesn’t always like to follow the rules when crafting. I know she will love being able to come up with something totally unique to create with the materials provided. In these lovely Spring has sprung packs!
    Vee Mcdee
  5. I recently read TwinMummyandDaddy’s Hatchimals collEGGtibles unboxing and review and knew it was something Eva would love. She had asked for a Hatchimal at Christmas but those kinds of toys are way out of our budget right now. These smaller collEGGtibles for £9.99 are much easier on the bank account. Eva has no idea these eggsist (haha!) yet so I can’t wait to surprise her!
    Hatchimal CollEGGtible blind bag
  6. Fidget Spinners are all the rage at the moment and Eva of course has asked for one. She wanted a pink one so I decided after hearing such good things about them to order her one. Eva is always fidgeting and struggles to concentrate at times so hopefully this gift helps with that.7th birthday gifts - fidget spinners
  7. Baking being one of Eva’s favourite things to do these Little Cooks Co subscription boxes are perfect. Each box includes the ingredients and instructions for making a delicious, healthy snack for the family. The boxes cost £7.99 a month, if you use code BOX1 at the checkout you can get your first box for just £5.99!









Lastly we received this gorgeous personalised family print for Eva from The Card Gallery! Eva loves pretty artwork and anything with her name on, like me she has a fairly unique name so personalised gifts always mean so much. We love you millions & billions & trillions is something we all say to each other as a family so I knew she would love that along with some pretty cupcakes!

Personalised Family Print from The Card Gallery

What gifts would you recommend for a 7th birthday? Would your 7 year old love to receive any of the gifts above?

My Sunday Photo – Izzy and Ben Elf

Izzy and ben elf

This weeks #MySundayPhoto of Izzy and Ben Elf was actually taken by the Mr (you may spot him in the reflection on Gaston!). Izzy went shopping with her daddy and made him take a ton of photo’s for me. I absolutely love this shot and how she’s looking at Ben so happily! Rides make Izzy so happy and it makes my day seeing her so happy.



The Real Ale Warehouse 5% Discount

We’ve been browsing The Real Ale Warehouse recently. My regular reader’s will no doubt know especially from our English Festival post that my Mr is a lover of ales & craft beers. Discovering new breweries and beers is something the Mr thoroughly enjoys & I quite like trying a little sip of each too. Having had a browse around The Real Ale Warehouse site we were impressed to see so many options, breweries and offers toLoch Lomond - Silkie Stouto! What more could an ale lover want!?

Here are a few beers that caught our eye!

Over the last year we have been checking out online & offline suppliers of ales & craft beers. Having come across a great range or breweries it was great to see even more we hadn’t heard of yet! They even have a PURPLE bottle of beer! The brewery sits on the shores of the spectacular Loch Lomond. Fiona set up the brewery a few years ago, and has very quickly built up a really good reputationThey have produced a range of award winning beers – Silkie Stout was awarded champion beer of Scotland. It is a stout so is dark in colour with chocolatey notes.


Fierce Beer Cranachan Killer


Craft  brewers are experimenting and coming up with a such a range of flavours. There are some lovely fruity ones like this one called Cranachan killer. It has raspberry puree and oatmeal flavours – a lovely summer drink. Lots of the beers are really fruity, and some have coconut ginger and chocolate overtones. Brewed by Fierce beer in Aberdeenshire, who also have 2 other beers with purple logos, Easy Shift & Night Shift.

Fierce beer easy shift 


With Fathers day & the Mr’s birthday coming up it was awesome to find brilliant offers on the site Giftcards, 10% off for life if you join the Beer Bank and a great selection of mixed cases too.

With the Beer Bank™ you choose an automatic monthly deposit of between £10 and £25 to spend on whatever you like, whenever you like. Unlike other “Beer Clubs” we’ll never send you a beer you haven’t asked for. We give you complete control and a whopping 10% off every order for as long as you’re a member. No minimum terms, catches or tiny T&Cs. Just great beer!

What a great way to treat yourself with no hidden catches and nasty surprises. There are over 215 different products available across the site. With such a wide selection of breweries and beers there’s bound to be something for every one! For people like the Mr who enjoy trying new flavours & breweries & having worked in pubs for around 10 years with Ales being his speciality it will definitely peak your interests!

Fancy trying some Ales from The Real Ale Warehouse yourself? Enter Spring5 at the checkout for 5% off!

*This post contains affiliate links

Granny Square Project

I’ve started on a Granny square project after losing my motivation for a little while. I got the Mr to help me make a cheap & simple blocking board to help me keep them neat and got to work. The last few crochet projects I’ve done have been quite big and I struggled to stay motivated so I needed something simple and easy to put down. Izzy picked these 3 colours to begin with.

Granny Squares

Of course I haven’t done any of the important things, working out measurements, how many square I will need etc. For now I’m just going to enjoy getting lost in making lots of small squares. Working on a project in pieces like this is much more doable when you have children interrupting. I can make a square in around 15 minutes with interruptions! The small piles above quickly began to grow!

I like the fact  I can take a ball of wool & a hook out in my bag again and work on the go too, maybe now my phone will stop dying before I get somewhere? Maybe not.. especially if I’m taking pictures as I work too. Either way I’m enjoying doing something, even though it’s for the girls it gives me a nice sense of achievement with each completed square. I even treated myself to a new hook to pop in my bag for crocheting on the go!

I’m quite liking the colours Izzy has chosen light sparkly pink, dark sparkly pink, turquoise and this lovely light purple Izzy picked up in QD. I’ve been working on these granny squares for just over a week now. So far I have build up a stash of over 20 squares in my spare time! My squares are a bit neater than before, I’m definitely getting the hand of crocheting a little tighter.

Hopefully it doesn’t take too long for my stacks to grow so I can begin stitching them together and working out how big to make it & find a nice edging for it too.

What are you working on at the moment? What Granny Square projects have you made?



Lucy Locket’s Wooden Fairytale Tea Set Inspiring Imaginations

We received an absolutely gorgeous Wooden Fairytale Tea Set to review from Lucy Locket. The tea set includes 12 pieces, 2 are gorgeous glittery cakes! I opened the outer packaging & the pink tissue paper wrapped around the box peaked Izzy’s interested immediately. Izzy was so excited when I told her she could open it.

Lucy Locket Wooden Fairytale Ta Set

Izzy unwrapped the wooden tea set, each piece carefully wrapped in paper to keep it safe. Each piece is carefully hand painted with beautiful fairies, magical creatures & flowers with a touch of glitter. I absolutely love the designs, especially the tray and Teapot!

The Wooden Fairytale Tea Set includes:Wooden Fairytale Tea set

  • 1 x Tea tray
  • 2 x Cups
  • 2 x Saucers
  • 1x Teapot
  • 1 x Teapot lid
  • 1x Milk jug
  • 2 x Tea spoons
  • 2 x Glittery cakes



Wooden Fairytale Teapot

After unwrapping all the pieces, Izzy got to work setting up the tea set, placing cups on saucers etc. Even Izzy pointed out the beautiful fairy designs and ‘sparkle’ as she busied herself. A cup of tea was poured for me & a cup of coffee for her daddy whilst keeping the cake closely guarded next to her haha!

Tea set

Izzy loves playing with the tea set and spends a good half an hour repeatedly pouring teas & coffees whilst explaining what she is doing. Eva & Izzy both enjoy having tea parties together so Izzy couldn’t wait for Eva to come home & play too.

When Eva got home both girls decided they needed to dress up as princesses & have a tea party. They both took turns pouring tea & milk & then stirring their cups of tea, happily talking as they went. Eva told anyone and everyone all about the Fairytale Tea Set the next day!

I am really impressed with the quality of the tea set, the wood is thick & strong and so beautifully decorated that any little one would love this Fairytale Tea Set.

At just £24 with free post & packaging (on orders over £20) this gorgeous Wooden Fairytale Tea Set would make the perfect gift! Lucy Locket offer a range of stunning dress up costumes and wooden toys. Perfect for encouraging kids to use their imaginations through pretend play.

Saphy The Staffy – My Sunday Photo


Saphy the staffy is this week’s #MySundayPhoto is of this gorgeous pup who is a regular at our local pub/carvery! Once a week or every other week we pop in after shopping. The girls have slowly gotten to know Saphy over the last few months. All 3 of them have calmed down enough to sit for cuddles and a stroke like this.

Saphy The Staffy

Saphy the Staffy

Izzy loves shopping day, hunting for a treat for Saphy in town then heading to the pub. Such a spoilt pup! Eva loves stopping in for  J2o on the way home from school for a quick Saphy cuddle & chat with her owners before heading home. The Mr & I both love our cuddles & face washes from Saphy too, she is a lovely 2-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier with the best temperament going! I love this rare photo of the 3 of them together and it’s a nice one to look back on.

The only downside to our trips to the pub is that is means we all leave wishing we had a house and could have our own dog! We think it’s unfair on any breed of dog to live in a high rise flat, unable to go out as and when they please. Hopefully, one day we will get a house and be able to have a dog of our own.


Do you have a dog or know someone with a dog you absolutely love?

Medway English Festival 2017

We attended the Medway English Festival with Martyn who invited us to join him & the boys. None of us could wait, having had a look through photo’s of previous years. We also found a list of what will be going on before going we were all quite excited. Before we even got there it sounded like an amazing day out for all the family. With Cars, kids rides, medieval acts, a petting farm and so much more advertised we couldn’t wait to look around.

Backseat selfie


Although we arrived a little late we turned up just as the rain eased and the sun decided to shine! Luckily it lasted the rest of the day too. We had a wander around first lot of stalls and knowing how much my girls love their bath bombs & soaps we stopped at Sudzz. We picked up this lovely raspberry heart bath bomb straight away.

Sudzz bathbomb

Wandering around a few more stalls Martyn stopped at Mr Green’s Barbershop to chat about some products having met them before. Meanwhile I was eyeing up the motorbike parked up in the tent & cheekily asked if I could get a picture. We all know my beard is fine as it is but I love motorbikes (if you hadn’t noticed).

Mr Greens Barbershop Motorbike


After walking around quite a few stalls in the first area we move on to the second area. I spotted this gorgeous vintage ice-cream van actually serving ice cream! I’m quite a fan of vintage vehicles and this Ice-cream van was just gorgeous.

Belle vintage ice-cream van

Then the  Mr got chatting to Ashley from Goody Ales. The Mr is a great fan of ales & craft beers which he wants to start reviewing on the blog occasionally. Across the day the Mr returned a few times, trying different ales each time. The Good Knight was definitely our favourite & perfect for the lovely warm sunny day we ended up having.

Goody Ales

The second area was also full of inflatable slides, a hay maze, sweet stalls & a helter skelter for the kids along with a Punch & Judy show. Izzy absolutely loved the show and giggled all the way through! The George & the dragon show was next to the Punch and Judy show which we returned to watch later in the day.


We also came across the Delboy Robin Reliant which of course I had to take some picture’s of having watched only fools & horses growing up! I was quite pleased to find a fair few different vehicles throughout the Medway English Festival to take pictures of.


Next to the Delboy motor was a display of Victorian Actors who were brilliant too. The kids seemed quite interested in them too & they drew quite a crowd at times.

Victorian Actors


We then passed the Mini Owners club & the Classic cars which of course I had to get a few pictures of since the Mr & I love classic & vintage cars. There were some lovely, well-kept examples on show. I wish I had got a bit closer and got a few shots of the interiors too!

Medway English Festival 2017

Moving on to the 3rd area we came across a blacksmiths, sheep shearing & a petting farm. The girls loved petting the cows & sheep & wandering over to meet the huge Shire horses who were impeccably behaved especially having kids keep wandering near their back ends which most people know is a dangerous move & likely to get you kicked across the field.

Petting farm animals

As lunchtime had passed we decided to stop off at Giggly Pig for some food and a quick rest. Martyn & the boys are great fans of Giggle Pig so I had to give it a go and whilst I’m extremely fussy with sausages theirs really weren’t bad at all!

Ford Tractors

We passed the Ford tractors where I caught this shot of Martyn trying to get the kids to pose for a photo haha!


There were Donkeys too but they were resting so we moved on to the Medway Sports where Eva & the boys had a go of a bow & arrow. William was pretty good & James had a good try too! The Mr helped Eva & I tried too but the bow was a bit too big and heavy for her . Unfortunately she managed to walk away with a tiny bump on her face, I think we will stick to Nerf bows & arrows for now 😉 haha.

Moving on so the kids could go on the rides Eva & James decided to go on the swings & Izzy wanted a go on the merry-go-round & chose to sit at the top of the red bus which you may have seen in my latest #MySundayPhoto.

Medway Sport

Medway Sport

Martyn grabbed a bottle of water from this awesome vintage horsebox bar Fizz & Frolics which I loved the look of.

Fizz and frolics

Stopping at the Medway Bee Keeping stall all the kids rolled their own sheets of coloured bees-wax into candles to take home, at just 80p for one colour it was a brilliant, quick, easy & cheap activity for the kids to do. Even Izzy was able to have a go! The guy helping her was absolutely fantastic, moving the candle closer when it was too far for her to roll. The girls absolutely love bees-wax candles!

Bees-wax candle making


We are very aware bees are hugely important for pollination which helps the planet in many ways. Spotting this sign we decided it needed sharing. If you do have space to keep bees please do get in touch with them! Unfortunately being in a flat we just don’t quite have the space ourselves!


The kids wanted to play in the park for a bit before leaving so we stopped there for a bit. Just before the stalls shut we took a wander back to the stalls for a few treats to take home.

Buying Jam from Joannes Preserves

All the kids had stopped earlier in the day to try a spoonful of delicious Jam by Joannes preserves and the girls loved it! So of course we had to pop by again on our way out. Izzy bought a jar of strawberry jam to bring home. I have to say I do agree with them, it really is delicious!

Joannes Preserves

The girls had some lovely cookies from Thomas Cookie Co when we got home. The cookies are obviously delicious as they really didn’t last long at all. Plus the girls were full of smiles!

Thomas Cookie Co


The Mr made me buy a delicious treat for myself from The Chocolate Hut ! I know you’re jealous, aren’t you!?

The Chocolate Hut


I spotted a stall, SimplyTrue Jewellery before leaving & decided to let the girls try the £1 Lucky dip. Lucky dips we’ve tried previously have been quite poor quality & break quickly. The girls opened their envelopes to find matching heart necklaces. Izzy had a very light blue & Eva a dark blue (yay no arguing!) and they asked to wear them home. I’m so impressed to see the catches & closures didn’t instantly snap or come loose as they are strong & closed so neatly!


On our way out we grabbed some strawberries to take home too, Kent strawberries have always tasted amazing to me & they are always so BIG!

All in all we had a fantastic day out with Martyn & the boys meeting some lovely stall holders & trying some brilliant products too. We will definitely be going back to the Medway English festival next year.

Did you attend an English Festival this weekend? Have you ever attended the Medway English Festival? If so what did you think?